Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Mother's Day on the Farm

Sunday Morning, right on schedule, the eggs in the incubator started to hatch.

Eight chicks have hatched. Not the best percentage, but better than none!

In honor of Mother's Day, here's a little round up of all the chickies on the Farm.

The chicks hatched the early part of April with their Mama Hen.

Another Broody Hen, sitting on 5 chicken eggs, 1 turkey egg, and 2 wooden eggs.
All should hatch the end of May, early June, of course not the wooden eggs....

Love those Turks!
It was a perfect Mother's Day.

Friends, Flowers, Snow and a Moon Hunt

Anne-Renee and Vivian came for a visit!
We had Luscious Libations,

Fabulous Feasts,

and Required Walks!

Back at the farm the big old apple tree was in blossom.

Keith & I thought a drive up River to see Entiat Falls would be swell,
only we didn't expect to find the road still deep in snow.

Keith didn't get stuck, he knew when to back out, but
another driver wasn't as clever.
 He zoomed past are parked truck, coming too close for comfort, almost taking off our opened doors.
Us girls in the truck screamed. Keith was walking in the snow finding how far up the road the snow went. The renegade truck was slipping and slidding in the snow. Us girls screamed again because we were afraid the guy was going to hit Keith. He didn't but he came close.
The nutty driver thought too late to back up and sunk deep in the snow.

Keith offered to help but there wasn't much one could do.
So we left them there, but did make phone calls when we got home to get the guy some help.
No tow trucks would go up there so Keith ended up calling 911 and they sent a rescue.
but we don't know how it ended.
and All of that deserved another cocktail!
Later that night we went in search of the Monster Moon.
The place we had planned to go - up a mountain - the road was still closed.
so we drove around and ended up in someones apple orchard.
and We didn't get run off. We waited a long time for that old moon to come up.

Long enough to make silly faces,

and for someone to take a nap,

but finally we saw the light of the moon coming over the mountain,

Vivian got the good shots with her new camera, but my shots were fun or should I say funny!

Keith's was better.
When we got home, the moon hadn't made it up over our hills, but we were too tired to stay awake to see any more.
 It was a Grand Time on the Farm.