Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The Happy Couple

Last week Keith's family came to the Farm.
There was a story brewing on the Land, it wasn't just any ol' visit.
Love was in the Air.
Alyssa brought Moroni for us to meet, a chance to get to know him and in the words of Grandma Trudy
"Get the Show on the Road!"

We all enjoyed meeting Moroni. Grandma Dena likes him,

Grandpa Les likes him,
and so do friends Wendy & Tyler.

Even Daddy-O Keith thinks he's great!
He couldn't be happier for his sweet Lyssa!

Moroni had a private talk with Keith, telling him how much he loved his daughter,
and you can guess the rest.....

Clever Moroni asked Alyssa to go for a hike up the hill with him.

When they reach the top he surprised her with "The Ring"

Gosh, wasn't that Romantic??

We are very excited for the two of them and wish them a wonderful Life together!

Moroni hitting the road with Farm Fresh Strawberries,

him letting me take this photo tells ya that he'll fit just fine in our family.

1 comment:

MissGlimpseBlogSpot said...

I have been getting his name mixed up. I am working on it and hope to have it mastered soon. She is so happy and we are thrilled to hear how much you all love him too! What a great thing to have love in the air:)