Sunday, September 26, 2010

Summer 2010 Started in Mexico, Checking Out the New School

I was in Mexico City for 5 days. First came work: meeting with Jutty, my boss and director of the school. Here she is with Bill aka Guillermo, at dinner. She hosted me in her apartment. What you see next are views from her apartment, which by the by is my apartment block as well.
The Block is call La Triada and I live in Tower B, Jutty lives in Tower C. What you see is the center, common area...

and a view across this little part of the city. The Peterson School is just around the corner.

On Saturday we played. First to dinner at a fancy restaurant called San Angel, right across from Diego Rivera´s house and Frida Kahlo's blue house. The houses are linked on the roof so Diego could visit Frida when he chose. While we could go on the roof, the pass was blocked and guards
made sure we honored the restraints.

The restaurant was once a monestery.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Last Days in El Salvador Were Fine

Here am I drinking cold coconut water from it's source. There were two beaches I learned to enjoy. One was here where I went with Carol who has a membership at this exclusive Club SalvadoreƱa and the other was the following photo....
... also a club but its membership is the school's, the American School of El Salvador. I like the second because of the wonderful saltwater pools, and the first because of the...
friendship with Carol. Both beaches are very dangerous for swimming in the surf, hence the saltwater pools of the second. Carol and I didn't swim, we walked the beaches. Once, when the surf looked mild we attempted a swim but after being buffetted about, we went in for a coconut.

A friendship is also what made this jaunt possible. Sam´s half-sister´s half-brother, Kenton by name, came to do some work with a Coop the Canadian Government has been sponsoring and called me. He was in desperate need of books to read and I was in need of a companion with whom I could explore. One of the first places we went was to the Mayan ruins: Joya de Ceren.

The last year in El Salvador, the seniors asked me to be one of their sponsors. This involved meetings and monitoring their plans, including designs on their tee-shirts as well as various other things. One bonus was being able to travel with them. here we are taking a party boat across a lake near Suchitoto.