Next year we hope I will be standing behind our own home-grown turkey!
The meal is complete with Franny's recipes of Cranberry Sauces, carried on by Arlene.
Mary-Ann told me how to prepare the liver before freezing it. His liver is huge! I washed it 4x in cold water then 3x in salted cold water- to get all the excess blood out of it.
I also prepared the tail for Ox-tail soup and the tongue. Many of the other organs went to Mary-Ann's daughter. Not too much was wasted, the stomach and the intestines are out in the far pasture waiting for coyotes and the such.
This is our first Fletchers meal - Liver & Onions.
The other fun time didn't happen on the farm and it was the same weekend that Arlene & I & Richard moved the goats. Richard was the photographer of the goat move, though I didn't express my appreciation while the move was on the go- a belated Thanks Richard!
We went down the road to help friends press grapes for wine, how cool is that?
We weren't sure if we were going to be stomping grapes with our feet, so we all wore pants that could easily be rolled up and washed our feet extra good....but no, it was all be done by a press.
Alan's Set Up
Pouring syrah grapes into the press.
Catching fresh wine! Not pressed, just "run-off" the best of crop! Needless to say we all had many glass fulls while doing the "work"
It's getting full, time to press with our hands to make sure it is completely full
Look at our Preety Hands!
Now it's time to press, Susan does the first go by, then we all give it a try.