Thursday, January 15, 2009

Christmas on The Farm 2008

It was a fun Christmas - even if I didn't get to decorate the house or have all the special snacks made ahead of time - we sure had a good time just chillin' with eachother.

And by chillin' I do mean that it was cold!
Lots of icicles like this one Richard got off of the Yurt were hanging off the house.
As a result we spent a lot of time inside...

reading, playing music, watching movies,

Madeline gave us a Fashion Show..... I was so happy that someone I loved was small enough to recieve my hand-me-downs from when my waist was smaller - and thrilled that she thought my old clothes were still cool....
we ate lots of good meals...

even the puppies put on their sweaters
(well I put them on them and they didn't stay on for long, but it makes a good story, right?)

when we did venture out we hardly recognized eachother
Could that really be two Panama Girls?
We found Lizzy staying out of the Cold,
But Franny doesn't mind the snow.
Well dear sister Mary, when you visit next it will be Hot, Hot, Hot!
This is the End of Playing Catch-up
We hope all of you had a great Christmas and are enjoying the New Year.

1 comment:

Padre Mickey said...

Loves me dat fóto of Faddah-Priest Butchy hard at work in the kitchen!