Monday, October 5, 2009

End of Summer Visits

The end of summer brought three wonderful visits to the farm.
First came our friend Julie, from Immunex Days. She usually visits with Anne-Renee, but since A-R is in France/Switzerland, Julie had to come by herself.
One morning I found Julie outside enjoying a cup of Joe with the Turkeys, who had wandered down like they normally do.

I thought it would be great to share the rest of the coffee-hour with the goats and roosters as well, so we quickly set up chairs under the cherry tree by the goat pen - while I hurried back from getting my camera this is what I saw!

Mornings, Coffee, & the barnyard - it was wonderful!

I have one female turkey who likes to sit on my lap. Here she is resting on my foot, while the male is resting on her!

I finally got her up in my lap. She would sit there for hours I think.

The Rooster finally gave up and flew up in the cherry tree.

After Julie's fun visit, Richard, Arlene and our brother Jehd stopped on by.

Jehd swung by on his motorcycle after a long road trip to Alaska.

Here are the Bro's and Arlene with their Namesake Kittens.
Richard with Ricky,Arlene with Franny,named after her Mom, and Jehd with Jehd.
I'll have to do a post called "Meet the Kittens"

Arlene went with me to a neighbors place to help me take care of their livestock (they were gone for the weekend)
They just bought some Babydoll Sheep. They are so adorable I just had to share.

They only get to be 2 feet tall - people use them in vineyards to keep down the weeds. Since they are so short they tend not to reach up to eat the grapes.

Bandida Loved Jehd!

She sat with him when ever she got the chance,

All the dogs loved Jehd, but Bandida didn't like sharing him with the rest of them.

After helping Keith with mending the Thrasher (this time it looks like it will stay running) Jehd took off for Home.
It was a great Summer made all the more special with visits from Family & Friends
Thanks for Dropping By!

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